So my parents were in the market for a new laptop, and of course being the Crystal Coast IT guy, they came to me for advice. Fortunately for them, I'm a little prejudice in the way of laptops (or any machines). I would never recommend nor purchase any laptop unless made by Dell, but I'd take a dope IBM/Lenovo, or Alienware (now owned by Dell). So naturally the first place I went was Dell's website.
Having not been there as a buyer for a few months it was nice to see they have modernized, and streamlined their site. It was so easy to find my folks a sweet little computer it blew my mind. I usually have to hunt through three sites like CDW's business site (uggghhh) to find a system for a customer. But Dell makes it very efficient. I mean they're not playing World of Warcraft or anything, they "just want to check email and cruise the web" like ninety percent of my customers.
Right, but that turns into editing photos, videos, building websites, downloading malware/spy ware, and other RAM/CPU/bandwidth consuming activities. Long story short, we found them a $900 sweet machine for about $600 so if your looking, check out Dell.
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