Sunday, January 4, 2009

2008 Traffic Stats for Crystal Coast News

Well last year at about this time, I started working on my first blog. Crystal Coast News was kind of an experiment really. But I thouroughly enjoyed writing the many fishing reports, restaurant reviews, and of course the few tips I offered rental owners. But at the end of the year, I was slightly disappointed with my traffic stats. I had only 6,148 visits, 5,106 of which were absolutely unique visitors. 

One cool thing I noticed, was when I looked at the map in my Google Analytics account. . 171 visitors were from outside the United States...That's Crystal Coast News is now internationally known. :) There were many folks outside of NC coming to my site too. Virginaia leads the way with 397 visitors. I even had 81 visits from Califiornia. Perhaps they were looking for another Crystal Coast? But I really like showing potential advertising clients the NC map.

I really thought that more people were looking for Crystal Coast information. But then it dawned on me...people are looking for Crystal coast topics, just the majority of them are looking for rentals, and rental information. That's why I started on a new rentals site this year.

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